torstai 6. lokakuuta 2011

Project White Rose is a reflection of the new unity-consciousness, which has been inspired by Mother Mary. It's vision is to unite us in love, and cross all limits and barriers created by culture and religion, caste and creed.

The petals of the rose symbolize the various aspects of life and experience, which we want to value equally. Together they form a whole, reflecting unity in diversity.

The white colour stands for purity of God and divine perfection. The rose is also a symbol of love, but his time it is the Sacred Heart, washed clean from personal attachment and expectations. It comes to spark the Ascension Flame of the Holy Spirit, still available for all, who are ready to choose Gods Will and service as the leading principle of their lives.

The White Rose is an refelcting all the colours of the rainbow in it's shining brilliance, and spreads it's fragrance to all who are ready and open to receive, and let go of the old.

Take your mantle of this magical Rose, and start spreading it's sweet aroma where ever you go. And don't forget it's all illusion after all, but the Work has to still be done. Manisfest it in you life today!